AEW Double Or Nothing Results (5/29/22): Adam Page vs. CM Punk, Owen Hart Tournament Finals


All Elite Wrestling will deliver a star-studded show with AEW Double or Nothing on May 29.

The event, which will air love from the T-Mobile Arena in Paradise, Nevada, will feature AEW World Champion Hangman Page defending his title against CM Punk. Plus, The Young Bucks will face The Hardys, and both Owen Hart Foundation Tournaments will conclude.

The Buy In

The show opens with several video packages to hype up the show.

The Acclaimed and Gunn Club come to the stage, and Caster starts rapping about HOOK, spitting fire like Chris Jericho, and winning the tag titles. Anthony Bowens gets an “Ass Boys” chant going.

In a pre-taped promo, Eddie Kingston cuts a promo on how Chris Jericho brought him back to his darkest place, as he doesn’t know where he is mentally. He’s scared about what he’s going to do; through tears, he says he hurts people, and the JAS is bringing his demon back. He breaks a bottle of alcohol and says he can’t stand Jericho because he’s done this to him. Kingston dares him to find out why no company ever wanted him and says he’ll find out on Sunday. He also says this on Tony Khan, too, as he could have stopped this. But he closes it by saying he’ll see the JAS on Sunday.

HOOK and Danhausen vs. Tony Nese and “Smart” Mark Sterling

Danhausen and HOOK get huge pops. HOOK and Nese start the bout; Taz’s son takes “The Premier Athlete” down right off the bat. Danhausen tags in and Nese down with a hurricanrana. Nese gains the upper hand and isolates Danhausen with Sterling. “The Premier Athlete” drops HOOK with a cheap shot, but Danhausen rallies and drops Nese. HOOK makes the hot tag, and Sterling refuses to tag Nese. Sterling distracts him, but HOOK suplexes both men. He plays to the crowd and tags in Danhausen, who covers Sterling for the win.

Winners: HOOK and Danhausen

Main Show

MJF vs. Wardlow

MJF enters to loud boos and milks the crowds’ jeers. He does an airplane taunt in the ring, seemingly in reference to the report that a plane ticket out of Las Vegas was purchased for him on Saturday. Wardlow enters, handcuffed and surrounded by security guards. MJF leaves the ring once Wardlow enters. The bell rings, and MJF goes back outside. The fans chant “He showed up” at MJF. “The Salt of the Earth” attacks Wardlow from behind, and the powerhouse no-sells it. Wardlow gets his hands on MJF, who goes for a sunset flip to no avail. “Mr. Mayhem” goes for a powerbomb, and MJF bites his way out. MJF thumbs Wardlow in the eye and gets a two count after he counters a powerbomb. He seemingly hurts his leg and cries out. He takes the Dynamite Diamond Ring out of his trunks, and the referee stops him from using it.

MJF tries to talk to Wardlow and offers him a handshake. Wardlow shakes his hand and holds on. He then powerbombs MJF, much to the crowd’s delight. He poses and hits another powerbomb. He taunts and hits two more powerbombs. Wardlow breaks his own pin so he can inflict even more punishment. He hits three more powerbombs and pins MJF for the win.

Winner: Wardlow

The Young Bucks vs. The Hardys

A “Viva Las Vegas” parody plays before the Bucks’ entrance. Matt Jackson and Matt Hardy start the bout; they exchange “Elite” and “Delete” taunts. They feel each other out and match each other step for step. Jeff tags in, and Matt Jackson tags in Nick, who mocks Jeff’s dancing. The Hardys respond by mocking the Jackson’s flexing taunt. They gain the upper hand and force the Bucks to regroup. Fans chant for Brandon Cutler, and Nick shoves him out of frustration. Matt Hardy floors Matt Jackson with a clothesline and suplex. The Hardys suplex Nick onto Matt. The Bucks counter Poetry in Motion and turn it into a kick. Matt Hardy eats a superkick.

After the match, MJF is taken out of the ring on a stretcher. The broadcast team announces that Wardlow is now officially a member of All Elite Wrestling. Tony Schiavone interviews Wardlow and tells him he is “All Elite.” The “Wardlow is #AllElite” graphic appears on the screen. The crowd chants, “You deserve it.”

The Bucks mock the fans’ chants and isolate Jeff. Cutler stops Jeff from tagging out by pulling Matt off the apron. Jeff dodges Nick’s attempt at the Whisper in the Wind and hits it himself. Matt tags in and slams Nick into the turnbuckle. He takes the fight to Matt Jackson and Cutler, too. A Side Effect earns Matt a two count. The Bucks send Matt crashing to the outside, and Nick kicks him in the face. Jeff flips them off and dropkicks Matt. Nick superkicks Jeff and causes him to fall onto both Matts. Nick dives onto the three men outside the ring. Matt Hardy is left by himself, and the Bucks get a two count with a double-team. Cutler takes an accidental kick to the face, and The Hardys rally. Matt drops Matt Jackson with a Side Effect onto the apron. The Hardys hit Poetry in Motion. Nick stomps on Matt while he’s laid out across Matt Jackson’s knees. Nick dodges the Swanton Bomb and hits the Twist of Fate. Matt hits the Swanton for a two count.

Jeff fights his way of the BTE trigger, but the Hardys get invited to a Superkick Party. Matt and Nick kick them again, but The Hardys won’t stay down. Matt Jackson sets up the steps at ringside, but Jeff fights his way free. Matt Hardy hits a powerbomb on Nick. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb on Matt on top of the steps. Matt gets a near fall with a Twist of Fate. Jeff clinches the win with the Swanton Bomb.

Winners: The Hardy Boys

Jeff temporarily leaves through the crowd after the match. He comes back and celebrates with Matt.

A pre-taped video shows the aftermath of The Acclaimed and The Gunn Club having fun in Las Vegas. All four men are laid out in their room; a sleeping Anthony Bowens is doing a scissors taunt.

TBS Championship: Jade Cargill (c) vs. Anna Jay

Cargill backs Jay into the corner. The challenger briefly gains the upper hand, but the champion slams her to the mat. Cargill suplexes Jay and clotheslines her. She rocks Jay with some strikes, but the challenger gains some momentum with a superplex. Cargill doesn’t go down when Jay hits a lariat. Cargill rolls to the outside, and Jay slams her into the steel steps. Kiera Higan and Red Velvet try to attack Jay, but she drops both with a double DDT. Cargill rocks Jay with a boot, but Jay gets a two count with a roll-through. “Smart” Mark Sterling comes to the ring and slips Cargill his crutch. He distracts the referee, and Jay hits a Russian Legsweep with a crutch. John Silver runs to ringside and drops Sterling with a Brainbuster.

Cargill hits the Isle of the Storm for a two count. Jay locks in the Queenslayer, but Cargill powers her way out. Stokely Hathaway (Malcom Bivens) walks down the ramp, distracting Jay and allowing Cargill to hit a super Jaded for the win.

Winner and still TBS Champion: Jade Cargill

Hathaway, Cargill and The Baddies celebrate together. Kris Statlander saves Jay from a beatdown, and Athena (the former Ember Moon) makes her AEW debut by coming out to confront Cargill.

AEW Double or Nothing Results Continue On The Next Page!

House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews) vs. Death Triangle (PAC, Penta Oscuro, and Rey Fenix)

Malakai Black and Rey Fenix start the bout. They feel each other out, and Fenix takes him down with a hurricanrana. Fenix mocks Black’s sitting pose, and Black does it right back. Matthews tags in and takes a nasty superkick. Penta tags in and matches Matthews step for step. They trade blows, and PAC tags in. He kicks Matthews in the face, and King tags in. The big man overpowers PAC and blasts him with a chop. He sends PAC crashing to the floor. All six men stare each other down, and fists are flying as they start brawling. King levels PAC with a lariat. Black drills Fenix with some strikes. Matthews hits a Meteora and blasts PAC with a pump kick. PAC turns him inside-out with a lariat.

House of Black takes control and isolates PAC. King crushes him with a splash in the corner, but he dodges a cannonball. Fenix tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. Matthews takes superkicks from the Lucha Brothers. Penta and Fenix dive onto their opponents outside the ring. Death Triangle triple-teams King for a two count. Matthews catches a diving Fenix and suplexes him on the floor. Everybody starts diving to the outside. King dives onto PAC and Penta. Fenix is left alone, but PAC and Penta break up a pin after the Dante’s Inferno. Death Triangle kicks their opponents. PAC drops Black with a two count with a brainbuster. Matthews takes a Destroyer on the apron. Black is left by himself, and he gets superkicked by Death Triangle. He counters the Fear Factor and hits the Black Mass on Fenix. PAC kicks him and suplexes Matthews. Abrahantes distracts the referee, and PAC kicks Black below the belt. The lights go out, and Julia Hart is standing in the ring. She mists PAC, and Black hits the Black Mass for the win.

House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews)

Hart leaves with House of Black after the bout.

Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament Finals: Adam Cole vs. Samoa Joe

Mike Chioda is the referee for this special match. The fans chant “Owen” as the two competitors feel each other out. Joe powers Cole into the corner as the feeling-out process continues. The powerhouse drills Cole with a series of punches. He rocks Cole with a kick to the head and maintains the advantage. Joe trucks over Cole with a back elbow, sending him out of the ring. Cole blasts Joe with a superkick and slams him arm-first into the apron. He sends the ROH World Television Champion shoulder-first into the ring post and takes control of the bout. Joe fires back with some strikes, but Cole kicks his arm and wrenches it in the ropes. Joe counters the Panama Sunrise and slams Cole knee-first into the mat.

Cole kicks the wounded arm again, but Joe floors him with an STO. “The Samoan Submission Machine” takes control with a flurry of offense and gets a two count with a senton. Cole rocks Joe with a kick and gets a two count with a backstabber. He locks in a Crossface, but Joe reaches the ropes. Joe powerbombs Cole for a two count and locks in the STF, but Cole gets out of it by putting his foot on the rope. Bobby Fish comes to ringside and snaps Joe’s arm over the ropes. Joe goes for the rear naked choke, but Fish distracts him again, so he can’t lock it in. Cole kicks Joe and hits The Boom for the win.

Winner: Adam Cole

Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Tournament Finals: Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. (with Rebel and Jamie Hayter) vs. Ruby Soho

Rich Ward of Fozzy plays Baker to the ring, while Rancid does a live edition of “Ruby Soho” for “The Runaway.” Baker and Soho square off and trade holds. Soho wrenches the former champion’s arm. Baker hammers her with some forearms in the corner. Soho sends her to the outside and blasts her with a dropkick. She suplexes Baker on the floor. Back in the ring, Baker takes control and stretches Soho around the ring post. Soho chops Baker, but the former champion drops her with a Russian Legsweep. Soho superplexes Baker. The two women trade blows, as the match is a stalemate. They both fall down and take a moment to regroup. Baker drills Soho with some kicks, and Soho responds with a Saito suplex. Soho gets a two count with a diving senton. Baker gets a two count with a stomp. She goes for the Lockjaw, but Soho avoids it. Baker goes for it again, and Soho counters. She hits the No Future and puts Baker in the Sharpshooter, but Baker reaches the ropes.

Baker rolls through a pin attempt and stacks Soho up for the win.

Winner: Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.

The former champion shakes Soho’s hand after the match. Baker and Adam Cole kiss and celebrate together.

Tony Schiavone presents Dr. Martha Hart, who presents the winners with the trophies and the custom titles. The crowd chants “Owen” and “Thank you Martha.” Martha thanks AEW and everyone involved with making this happen.

Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page, and Paige VanZant (with Dan Lambert) vs. Sammy Guevara, Frankie Kazarian and Tay Conti

Page punches Guevara and drops him with an elbow to the face. Guevara leaps over Page and dropkicks him. Page slams Guevara and tags Sky. Kazarian and Sky face off, and the TNT Champion catches him with a dropkick. Kaz hits a diving elbow drop, and Sky takes the fight to Guevara with some body shots. Conti and Guevara double-team Kazarian. Sky tags in, and Kazarian takes him down with a Russian Legsweep. Sky drops him with a Flatliner. Conti rocks VanZant with a cheapshot. Guevara and Conti dance with each other at ringside, leaving Kazarian on his own. He calls Guevara a stupid “son of a bitch”, and “The Spanish God” tags in while Kaz has the Chicken Wing locked in. VanZant tags in and slams Conti to the mat.

She clotheslines Conti and suplexes her. PVZ hits a handspring elbow. Guevara saves Conti from another slam and eats a DDT from PVZ. VanZant gets a two count with a Micinoku Driver. Conti takes control with some strikes, and she slam PVZ. Guevara and Conti make out. Page, Sky, and PVZ stare them down. Kazarian leaves his partners on their own. Sky drops Guevara with a slingshot cutter, and Kaz hits a rope-assisted DDT. Conti arguues with Kaz, and when Guevara tries to superkick him, he ducks and hits Conti. Sky capitalizes by hitting the TKO for the win.

Winners: Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page, and Paige VanZant
