AEW Dynamite live results: Wild Card Wednesday

Two Jokers take part in the Owen Hart Foundation Tournaments on tonight's episode.

Two Jokers will take part in the Owen Hart Foundation Tournaments on tonight's AEW Dynamite: Wild Card Wednesday episode. 

In the Owen Hart Foundation Men's bracket, Samoa Joe faces a Joker mystery opponent. Kyle O'Reilly vs. Rey Fenix, plus Jeff Hardy vs. Adam Cole are also set for Tournament action. 

In the Owen Hart Foundation Women's bracket, Dr. Britt Baker, D,M.D. will face a Joker mystery opponent. 

AEW World Champion Hangman Page is set for singles action on tonight's show, facing DDT's Konosuke Takeshita. CM Punk will be on commentary for the match. 

As part of a stipulation to earn a match with MJF at Double or Nothing, Wardlow will take 10 lashes from MJF on tonight's episode. 

Chris Jericho of the Jericho Appreciation Society and William Regal of the Blackpool Combat Club will have a face-to-face confrontation this evening. Both groups seem to be building to a Stadium Stampede match at Double or Nothing. 

Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland will be in tag team action against The Workhorsemen on tonight's show as well. 

Our live coverage begins at 8 p.m. Eastern time. 

The male Joker was Johnny Elite, real name John Hennigan and formerly John Morrison in WWE.

Owen Hart Cup tournament quarterfinals: Samoa Joe defeated Johnny Elite

Joe took control early on with a strong body block. Johnny came back with a thrust kick and tried to keep Joe off his feet. A lariat took out Joe, allowing Johnny to attempt a wacky flip dive that didn't really connect, which led into the first commercial.

Once back, Joe leveled Johnny with a big boot and a running senton for two. A loud chop got two more. Joe wanted the Muscle Buster, but Johnny flipped out of it and hit a Samoan drop. He came up short on a 450 splash but covered anyway for two, then landed a Shining Wizard. 

Johnny went for his flipping springboard moonsault, but Joe got his knees up and hit the Muscle Buster for the win.

– Immediately after the match, Sonjay Dutt (with a pipe) and Jay Lethal ran down and attacked Joe. Satnam Singh followed and restrained Joe while Lethal hit him with the pipe. The Best Friends (Trent, Chuckie T, and Rocky Romero) ran out with chairs in hand to stop the assault. 

Joe will face the winner of Rey Fénix vs. Kyle O'Reilly in the semifinals.

The Hardy brothers were backstage, with Jeff having just been cleared to compete tonight. The Young Bucks walked up and sarcastically offered concern before suggesting he take the night off against Adam Cole. Matt called the Bucks "Hardy cosplayers" and said that if they interfered, they'd get their ass whipped.

CM Punk joined commentary for the match.

Hangman Page defeated Konosuke Takeshita

This match was incredible. I'm so happy that Takeshita's talent is translating to American TV.

They went right at each other at the bell, with Page hitting a fallaway slam and his springboard clothesline followed by a plancha. Takeshita returned fire with one of his own (a more impressive one, I might add). Page cut off a springboard and chopped Takeshita hard. They fought on the apron, where Page baited Takeshita in and hit a back suplex on the apron. The Orihara moonsault followed ahead of the break.

Upon return, Takeshita hit a flying clothesline and a Blue Thunder bomb for two. He followed it up with a great tope con giro. They traded corner boots and then Germans before simultaneous clotheslines led to a double down. Page turned a discus forearm into a tombstone piledriver for two. 

Page hesitated on the Buckshot to look at Punk, allowing Takeshita to avoid it and hit a great forearm smash. A Last Ride powerbomb followed for a near fall. Takeshita hit the running knee for another near fall. He followed it up with a stalling German but couldn't hold the bridge following Page's attack on his neck.

Takeshita wanted the jumping knee, but Page countered it and reversed another flying clothesline into a forearm. Page brought Takeshita to the top rope, where Takeshita hit a diving clothesline. Page popped up and hit a lariat of his own, followed by the Buckshot -- but that didn't end things, as Page hit the GTS with Punk looking on to win.

– After the match, Page and Punk stared each other down. 

A video promo aired with Fuego Del Sol calling out the House of Black. He said it was time to even the odds with the Dark Order at his back. They will battle on Rampage.

Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland defeated The WorkHorsemen (JD Drake & Anthony Henry)

Lee laid in his overhand chops on Drake, then Swerve and Henry tagged in, with Swerve leveling Henry with a kick. Lee tagged in and took out Lee with a crazy slingshot crossbody before Pouncing Henry. Lee and Swerve then hit a doomsday senton splash for the quick win.

– After the match, Lee announced that he and Swerve are now a Top 5-ranked tag team. They were interrupted by Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs of Team Taz. Starks called them jabronies and said it was ridiculous that they thought they deserved a title shot.

Jurassic Express then came out alongside Christian Cage. Christian talked about how Starks thought he was ready for a "real" championship, but Jurassic Express are the best. They challenged both teams to a three-way match for the tag titles at Double or Nothing. Not only that, Christian offered Jungle Boy vs. Swerve Strickland vs. Ricky Starks for next week.

 Kris Statlander and Red Velvet were backstage. Velvet said they weren't friends anymore, and she's trying to win the tournament. Statlander said it was "strictly business." Jade Cargill and Kiera Hogan walked up, saying Jade was a real leader, unlike Statlander. 

MJF gives Wardlow ten lashes

MJF insulted the Houston crowd a lot before sending for Wardlow, who showed up cuffed, shirtless, and accompanied by security as usual. MJF spat in Wardlow's face. 

Wardlow completely no-sold and even laughed off all the lashes. MJF completely snapped, screaming "I HATE YOU!" and "I KNOW IT HURTS!" at Wardlow while Wardlow just stood there. Wardlow had very visible welts. 

Spears took a shot at the whipping for the eighth land ninth lashes. On the ninth, he got in MJF's face. MJF took it back for the tenth, but instead opted to low blow him, whip him more, and choke him as Spears restrained the cuffed Wardlow. MJF struck Wardlow with the Dynamite Diamond Ring, then Spears hit him with the C4. 

Roppongi Vice were backstage. Trent said they were back together full time. Romero wants all the tag titles: ROH, IWGP/NJPW, AEW. Trent challenged FTR to a match.

Owen Hart Cup Tournament quarterfinals: Kyle O'Reilly defeated Rey Fénix (w/ Alex Abrahantes)

This was a really enjoyable high-energy matchup. 

They went back-and-forth right from the start. Neither man could establish any sort of advantage until a kick sent O'Reilly to the floor, allowing Fénix to take him out with a great flip dive. He followed it up with a frog splash attempt, but O'Reilly reversed it into a triangle and then a cross-armbreaker, forcing Fénix to roll to the ropes for a break. 

O'Really drove Fénix's arm into the ring post and targeted it through a commercial. Back from break, Fénix fired up with chops, but on the rebound hook kick, his arm gave out. Fénix recovered to hit a springboard thrust kick and then a modified powerbomb for two. 

Fénix hit a rolling hurricanrana for two. O'Reilly turned an escalara into mutliple spinning butterfly suplexes. Fénix rushed O'Reilly into the corner and laid in strikes including another springboard thrust kick. He followed it up with a half-and half suplex before both men traded their big rebound moves. Simultaneous slaps led to a double down.

O'Reilly went for a double wristlock. They both traded big-time strikes before Fénix hit a rope-run hurricanrana to the floor. He went for the rolling cutter, but O'Reilly turned it into a cross armbreaker. After a brief struggle, O'Reilly freed Fénix's arm for the submission. 

– O'Reilly will face Samoa Joe in the semifinals.

Chris Jericho & William Regal face-to-face confrontation

The Blackpool Combat Club was joined by Eddie Kingston, Santana, and Ortiz. When the Jericho Appreciation Society came out, Angelo Parker cut "Judas" off so the crowd wasn't allowed to sing it. A few tried anyway. Jericho complained that Regal orchestrated last week's attack. He addressed Regal, saying he was all "wasted potential" and that he could've been one of the greatest of all time, but all Regal ended up as was a "world-class addict."

Jericho then ran down everyone Regal was up there with, insulting Santana, Ortiz, and Kingston. He called Danielson a "nerd," saying that if he stuck around with Regal, he'd eventually have to "join the program with Moxley." Jericho recommended that Regal go home, or he'll throw a fireball in his face, because he's a wizard.

Regal said he's had to listen to Jericho's whiny voice since they met, and the only thing that would make him feel worse would be the "screams from a burning orphanage." The one thing that's kept Regal going, is that he'd take Jericho's toothbrush and "put it up his bum." Garcia got hot, so Regal said he did it to him last week.

Jericho had enough, so he challenged them to the third annual Stadium Stampede. Moxley cut him off, saying they wouldn't get involved in that sports entertainment stuff. At Double or Nothing, it'd be five on five gang warfare. Jericho accepted, saying his side was a well-oiled machine. He brought up all the internal issues between the Blackpool Combat Club members and Santana, Ortiz, and Kingston. 

Kingston blew Jericho off and demanded they get in the ring and fight. J.A.S. acted like they were going to, but then Jericho said "Forget it" and walked off. Kingston wanted to pursue, but Danielson stopped him, leading to a shoving match.

Dante Martin and Matt Sydal were backstage. Sydal said the Regal side was focused too much on a fight, so they'd give them a match on Rampage.

TJPW's Maki Itoh, who stopped by AEW in early 2021, was the female Joker. She sang her entrance as always.

Owen Hart Cup Tournament quarterfinal: Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. defeated Maki Itoh

Itoh offered to lay down for Baker but cradled her for two. Baker hit a forearm, so Itoh cried, stomped Baker's foot, and flipped her off. Itoh missed the Kokeshi and cradled Baker on a Lockjaw attempt. Baker came back with a sling blade for two ahead of the break.

Back from commercial, Itoh started a comeback with a suplex. Baker drove Itoh into the corner and produced the glove, but Itoh fired up and hit a headbutt and a tornado DDT for two. Baker avoided a Kokeshi attempt, but Itoh adjusted her form and landed it for two. 

Baker came back with a thrust kick, flipped off the camera, and applied the Lockjaw for the tap-out victory.

– After the match, Toni Storm, who will be Baker's semifinal opponent, stared her down on the ramp.

In the ring, Tony Schiavone announced that next week would be AEW's three-year anniversary. Serena Deeb interrupted and said she was tired of hearing him talk. She had a lot to say about she felt like she wasn't getting enough respect, and she eventually invited out Dustin Rhodes only to call him a failure. 

Deeb talked about all the stuff she went through in WWE, like getting breast implants and shaving her head, and she demanded an answer from Dustin about why he doesn't think she can beat Thunder Rosa. Deeb slapped Dustin.

Rosa ran out to get in Deeb's face, but Deeb was able to strike her with the belt and escape.

Owen Hart Cup Tournament semifinals: Adam Cole defeated Jeff Hardy (w/ Matt Hardy)

Due to (I presume) time cuts, they only got six-seven minutes.

Cole attacked Jeff during his entrance. Jeff returned fire with a dive off the apron. Cole cut Jeff off again and sent him into the ring steps ahead of a commercial. Once back, Jeff hit a heel kick but ran into an enziguiri from Jeff. Jeff came back with a forward suplex for two. 

Jeff went for Whisper in the Wind, but Cole countered with a superkick for two. Cole dropped the kneepad and looked to lower the Boom, but Jeff hit a Twist of Fate and a neckbreaker. He climbed the ropes and went for the Swanton Bomb, but Cole avoided it and lowered the Boom for the win.

– After the match, the Young Bucks ran down and acted like they were going to superkick Jeff, but Cole instead took the Hardys out with clotheslines. They hit the BTE Trigger. Sting and Darby Allin then ran out to clean house, but reDRagon came out and took out Darby with the High Low. Sting fought off Cole and reDRagon but was taken out with superkicks before O'Reilly Pillmanized Sting's ankle with a diving knee drop through a chair.

Cole will face the winner of Kyle O'Reilly vs. Samoa Joe in the semifinals.
