Doctor Strange 2 post-credit scene: how many are there? Do they set up a sequel?

Everything you need to know about Multiverse of Madness' post-credits scenes

There are, indeed, Doctor Strange 2 post-credits scenes for you to stick around for. I mean, you’re free to go – but you’ll be missing out on a big reveal and a mini stinger for Sam Raimi fans. You have been warned.

First up, for those who don’t want spoilers, we’ll let you in on the secret of how many Doctor Strange 2 post-credits scenes there are. That’s the easiest, quickest way to find out when you’re free to leave your Multiverse of Madness screening without missing anything.

Then, once you’ve watched the after-credits, scroll down even further for a more extensive breakdown of the Doctor Strange 2 post-credits scenes: what happened, who was involved, and what it could mean for the future of the MCU.

You ready? It’s time to dive into yet more Marvel magic: here’s our guide to the post-credits scenes in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Doctor Strange 2 post-credits scene, explained *spoilers*

The first Doctor Strange 2 post-credits scene picks up right after the main Doctor Strange 2 ending and seemingly answers the sequel’s cliffhanger. What happened to Doctor Strange’s third eye? At the very least, the ex-Sorcerer Supreme has that dark magic situation under control for the time being.

What he doesn’t have under control, though, is his new visitor. While walking down a street in New York, a woman in purple (namechecked as ‘Clea’ in the credits and played by Charlize Theron) arrives and tells Doctor Strange that "he caused an incursion… and we’re going to fix it."

Clea tears a hole in reality, which provides a window to her destination in space. Clea asks, "Unless you’re afraid?" Strange, without missing a beat and showing his new third eye, replies, "Not in the least."

What does that mean for Doctor Strange and the MCU? Incursions were mentioned earlier in the movie: an apocalyptic event that sees two universes crashing into each other. It’s why Doctor Strange in the Illuminati universe proved so dangerous. He was looking for a universe where he and Christine could be together – and ended up colliding two universes together, wiping out realities and killing trillions.

Doctor Strange 3 – or whatever’s next for Stephen – will likely see Strange teaming up with Clea to take on whatever threat(s) are bleeding from one universe into another. Expect cosmic challenges galore, trippy CGI creatures, and potentially more multiversal crossovers. It might even ultimately lead to an adaptation of 2015’s Secret Wars – a comic book storyline that saw Marvel’s ‘main’ 616 universe and the Ultimate universe collide, with Doctor Doom on hand to pick up the pieces and create a world of his own making.

Clea, meanwhile, is likely going to be a major factor moving forward. For the uninitiated, she hails from the Dark Dimension (in the comics, at least) and is an exceptionally skilled sorceress. She also becomes romantically involved with Stephen Strange and also becomes his disciple at the Sanctum Sanctorum. Here in the MCU, though, they appear on a more even footing, though there's always a chance love could be in the air for the pair. Now, hats off to anyone who had Charlize Theron in Doctor Strange 2 on their cameo bingo card. You can read more about Clea's comic book history through that link.

The second post-credits scene just features Bruce Campbell returning at the Pizza Papa from the ‘Red Means Go’ universe. We see the effects of Strange’s spell wearing off as Campbell’s character turns to the character and shouts "It’s over!"


Don’t worry, no MCU setups or sequel teases here – even if we would like to see Pizza Papa return. It just continues Campbell’s continued working relationship with director Sam Raimi. The actor has appeared in several of Raimi’s movies, most notably the Evil Dead films. He’s even had bit-part roles in the Spider-Man trilogy.


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