AEW Dynamite Results (6/29): Blood & Guts Returns, TBS Title Match, Christian Cage Speaks


Welcome to our live “AEW Dynamite” viewing party. Tonight’s special show will air live from the Little Caesars Arena in Detroit, MI. Our live coverage starts at 8pm ET. Please share coverage of tonight’s Viewing Party on social media and chime in with your thoughts in the comments section below.

Orange Cassidy vs. Ethan Page

Dan Lambert starts things off by trash-talking Orange Cassidy as Ethan Page makes his way to the ring, and he asks the referee to check that Chuck Taylor and Trent have a manager’s license to be ringside. They do not, so the two of them are thrown out. Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets but gets slammed down and walked on straight away.

Cassidy then picks up the pace, hitting a dropkick to Page as he then reverses a hip toss and dives to the outside to keep up the attack. Back inside the ring Cassidy connects with a crossbody, but once again his attempt at a body slam doesn’t work. Page then shows his strength advantage with a big shoulder tackler, which sends Cassidy flying.

With Orange on the outside, Lambert takes the time to mock him, and his light kicks when the official isn’t looking. Back inside the ring and Page continues the mocking of his opponent with some slaps, but he then picks things up with big shots and then a running back elbow. He then hits a brainbuster, but once again Cassidy is able to kick out.

Page tries to go for a Razor’s Edge, but Cassidy blocks it by putting his hands in the pockets, and he then counters another attempt with a hurricanrana into the turnbuckles. Lambert then gets involved by grabbing his boot, and that allows Page to slap Cassidy and then lift him up from the top turnbuckle to hit a power slam.

Cassidy keeps fighting by hitting the Stundog Millionaire, and then a spinning DDT, which almost gets the victory. Lambert then gets on the ring apron but this leads to some slaps by Cassidy, who then takes an orange juice from him and drinks it. He turns around and hits an Orange Punch to Page, spits the juice in the face of Lambert, and then finally connects with his power slam to win.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Christian Cage Speaks

Christian Cage says he was asked by upper management to apologize for the remarks he made about Jungle Boy last week, specifically about his father. He says he’s never done that throughout his career, but he says he’s sorry that Jungle Boy’s entire family isn’t dead as they had to watch him end Jungle Boy.

He then says everyone other than his mom, who he tells to call him. Cage then runs down the local city and he says he requested a match, but he didn’t say it was for him. Luchasaurus then makes his way out, turning heel in the process with an all-black look.

Luchasaurus vs. Serpentico 

Luchasaurus starts the match out with a headbutt, and he then launches his opponent across the ring with a huge suplex. The big man then plants Serpentico face-first to the mat and he locks in his own version of the Snare Trap with an added nerve hold to secure a squad victory.

Winner: Luchasaurus

– After the match Cage tells Luchasaurus to attack Serpentico again, which he does, this time outside the ring.

Scorpio Sky and Wardlow are shown backstage and the champion reminds Wardlow he laid him out the last time they met, and Wardlow doesn’t care about that. He tells him to bring every member of the American Top Team and he will treat them like security guards, and then he will bring the title home.

Sky claims next week he will put the title on the line, and he says it will be a street fight.

Max Caster & Gunn Club vs. Danhausen & ???

Danhausen says he thinks he found some people who are pretty good at wrestling to partner him … FTR! The match gets underway with Austin Gunn and Cash Wheeler, with the Gunn Club star getting the best of their first exchange. The FTR star turns that around though, and he then spanks his opponent, adding insult to injury.

Dax Harwood then comes in and starts lighting up Austin with chops. Danhausen gets involved, but this allows the heels to take advantage as Colten Gunn comes, but he gets sent flying with a hurricanrana as Max Caster and Austin then get taken down. But, the distractions allow Coletn to nail him with a clothesline.

Caster tags in and continues to stay in control with his strength advantage, but Austin then comes in to add some aggression to the matter. Colten then returns and he carries on the attack and he makes a quick tag to Caster who wears him down with a submission. He gets a moment break with some offensive moves of his own, but the numbers game provides too much for him.

Danhausen finally makes the tag though and FTR come in hot, hitting stereo German suplexes to Gunn Club. Danhausen then returns hitting a pump kick to Austin and he then looks to put him to sleep with a GTS, but Billy Gunn distracts the official. This allows Anthony Bowens to get out of his wheelchair as he tries to smash Danhausen in the face with it, but he misses and connects to Austin. FTR pulls him out, while Danhausen picks up the win.

Winners: Danhausen & FTR

– After the match, Gunn Club and The Acclaimed argue about the situation, which leads to Billy shoving Austin to the mat, with his sons walking away.

Jay Lethal and his group then appear, and they challenge Samoa Joe to an ROH Television Title match at the upcoming ROH PPV.

TBS Championship Match – Jade Cargill (c) vs. Leila Grey 

The two women lock up early but Jade Cargill dominates with her power, womanhandling her opponent as she throws her across the ring. Leila Grey gets a boot up in the corner, but that is quickly turned around with the champion throwing Grey with a fallaway slam.

Grey continues to fight back with a running knee in the corner, but her attempt at a follow-up running bulldog is met by her being thrown across the ring. Jade nails a pump kick and then connects with Jaded to retain.

Winner (and still TBS Champion): Jade Cargill

Stokely then looks to talk, but Cargill grabs the microphone. She’s tired of everyone moaning, and she tells Stokely to get her some real competition. He says he knows why she’s fired up, as she gave the opportunity to the locker room, and only someone who doesn’t work here took the chance. He tells Kris Statlander and Kris Statlander that they’re not overlooked, they’re lazy.

That leads to both women appearing and they attack Kiera Hogan and Jade Cargill, getting the best of the situation. However, Leila Grey then ends up helping them, which allows them to come out on top. Grey then tries to shake Stokely’s hand, but Cargill pushes it away.

– Backstage The Young Bucks point out that nobody is cleared to wrestle, pointing out it isn’t even Brandon Cutler filming them. They claim they don’t have any friends left…except for the AEW Tag Team Titles. Matt heard Yoshi Hashi and Goto want a shot at the titles, and on Friday they’ll compete against them and if they win, they’ll consider a title match down the line.

Blood & Guts Match – Jericho Appreciation Society vs. Blackpool Combat Club, Eddie Kingston, Santana, & Ortiz

Sammy Guevara and Claudio Castagnoli kickstart this one and they charge to the middle and immediately attack each other. Claudio launches Sammy to the turnbuckles, charging in with his uppercuts. Sammy tries to fire back, but Claudio just eats them and then nails more of his own.

Sammy tries to climb and escape him, but Castagnoli follows him and pulls him down to hang on the top rope. He then leapfrogs on different ropes in order to get away from him, swearing in the process, and while Claudio looks for the elevator uppercut, Sammy reverses in mid-air with a cutter.

Sammy gives too much time to Claudio and that allows the swing to begin, only for Daniel Garcia to enter the match and break things up, and the two men begin working together against AEW’s newest guy. Claudio reverses an attempted move by his opponents to get a break, but the JAS members then take advantage almost immediately.

The numbers advantage changes though as Wheeler Yuta enters with a big bang, attacking Guevara while following up with some German suplexes to Garcia. Not to leave anyone out, Sammy then eats some of his own, including a combination after Claudio comes in for an uppercut.

Jake Hager is in next, and he makes an impact, and eventually, it comes down to just Hager and Claudio. The former WWE tag team partners then go back and forth, throwing hands at each other until Claudio springboards to take him down. The numbers game takes advantage though, with JAS making the most of the situation.

The interim AEW World Champion is in next and he brings a chair to use. He goes through all three of the men already in the match, and he then pulls out a fork which he slams into the head of Garcia, while everyone else involved brawls as the babyfaces take control and Garcia is busted open.

The BCC all hit their elbow attacks at the same time until Angelo Parker enters, only for all three men to be staring him down immediately. He gets chased around the ring, and Claudio eventually grabs him and hits a gut wrench. Despite that, the number advantage works once again with Hager hitting Claudio’s foot with a steel chair. Yuta is the victim of a shotgun dropkick as well by Garcia while Hager continues to attack with the chair.

Ortiz then fights his way in, despite Garcia trying to stop him, but he comes in and starts taking out members of the opposing team. Moxley then reveals he has shards of broken glass, pouring it onto the ring and he hits a piledriver to Parker on that. He then uses a chunk of the glass to attack Hager, which buts him open as well.

Catagnoli is then set on the top rope as they pull him up and down, while Matt Menard comes in, using a chair to start making an impact. The fight continues with everyone and Moxley then ends up bust open. Santana is next in, doing so with a barbed wire bat to add another weapon to this one.

Parker uses this cameraman to throw the camera into Yuta, while Claudio catches Guevera in mid-air with an uppercut, and Moxley is then shown using skewers to the head of his opponent. Santana is at the side with a leg issue, but Chris Jericho comes in with his trust bat, and he begins using it to anyone in his way.

Sammy nails a flying cutter to Yuta, but he then gets taken down by Hager, who is dropped by Castagnoli. He eats an uppercut from Garcia, but then the former WWE Superstar shows him how it is done until Jericho takes him out. Kingston is then the final man in as he nails people with a kendo stick.

He beats his way out of everyone until he reaches Jericho, who tries to escape and he eats some kendo shots as well. Eddie then tries to use some alcohol, but Hager smashes him into the cage as the brawls continue. Everyone involved brawls around the ring, while Jericho is given an alcohol bottle.

Away from that, a table is set up between the two rings and Hager gets put through it, leaving him laying. Yuta and Moxley then drop a lot of thumbtacks in the ring, while in the other one, the canvas gets pulled off to expose the ring. Matt ends up being flipped in mid-air to land on the tacks.

There is pure violence taking place everywhere, as Moxley locks in the Bulldog Choke, but Jericho splits it up by pouring the alcohol into Moxley’s face, following it with a Judas Effect. He then gets a handful of tacks and rubs it into the face of Moxley. Jon looks for his finisher into the thumbtacks, but Jericho reverses and plants Mox into them.

Jericho then drags Moxley around the tacks, locking in the Walls Of Jericho until Kingston threw a bunch of the tacks at his face. Eddie and Chris then just get into a huge brawl and Jericho then uses the fire extinguisher, while Tay Conti takes out the official in order to get a key. But as she tries to get in, Ruby Soho appears and attacks Conti!

Meanwhile, Jericho tries to escape Kingston by climbing to the top of the roof, but he ends up following him and they start brawling on top with Kingston coming out on top with a back fist. Sammy Guevara also climbs up and stops Eddie from throwing Jericho off the roof. Eddie gets the best of the situation and he launches Sammy from the roof as he crashes through the timekeeper’s table outside the ring.

Jericho and Kingston then begin brawling on the roof of the structure with the two men trading chops to each other. Kingston then gets locked in the Walls Of Jericho, but Claudio makes his way to the top and saves Eddie, and he then begins the Giant Swing to Jericho on top of the roof!

Menard comes in to make the save of Jericho, but Kingston locks in a submission to Jericho while Claudio does the same to Menard, and it is the latter who taps out. But this result upsets Kingston, as he felt like he had the job done with Jericho.

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club, Eddie Kingston, Santana, & Ortiz
