The Mandalorian’s New Ship Makes No Sense

 Dij Djarin’s instantly iconic starship the Razor Crest was destroyed in the second to last episode of The Mandalorian’s second season. It was a bummer, because it was such a cool, fresh, and unique design that seemed to match the title character’s whole vibe perfectly. Obviously, Din was going to need a replacement—which he received in The Book of Boba Fett in the form of an N-1 Starfighter. (You know, the kind used by Naboo soldiers in The Phantom Menace.) And I think this is a problem.

Swapping Star Wars’ equivalent of a van for its equivalent of a souped-up Fast & Furious racer might sound like an upgrade, and certainly it beats the Razor Crest on speed and maneuverability, a huge benefit for engaging in space dogfights with bounties and the other ne’er-do-wells of the galaxy. But what happens after Din actually catches a bounty? Similar to a high-end sports car like a Lamborghini, the Starfighter isn’t concerned with trunk space. It’s not a family vehicle, it’s not meant to transport anything, which is going to make the Mandalorian’s job very, very hard.
